Day 9 - Bluff, UT
We're packing up to leave for Bluff, Utah. It's about 35 degrees outside again and 48 degrees in the motor home. But if it's like yesterday, it will warm up pretty quickly.Talk to you in Utah.Wish I had a video camera on my helmet. The views are absolutely breathtaking. We arrived
at the Cadillac Ranch Campground in Bluff, Utah, around 1 p.m. Bill and Peg are staying at the Mokee Motel (sounds hokey, doesn't it, V-Tech fans?). I know why it's called Bluff, Utah. We have bluffs to our backs, to our sides, and to our fronts. The sun is shining so bright, bringing out all the different colors. It is desolate as Bren is writing to Aunt Lois. Not much cell signal. Almost immediately, we took off on a ride to Four Corners. If I thought it couldn't get any better ... it did. The colors are spectacular. Four Corners is a small spot on the map in Navajo Nation country. It's the only place in the US where 4 states come together: New Mexico,
Arizona, Colorado & Utah. We each put our feet in a state, had our picture taken and then we went shopping at the outside "mall." Gorgeous pottery, jewelry, sand pictures, and fry bread. I've finally moved Brenda & Dee to the darkside. They both purchased something. Yahooooo, 
I"m still the one with the shopping addiction, though. The ride back to the campground was as beautiful as the ride to Four Corners.
We saw wild mustangs and long stretches of absolutely NOTHING but prairies and bluffs. Oh, yeah, we were always on the lookout for gas stations for Brenda. They are very few and far between.
As the moon sets over the bluff, Louie and Bill cooked hot dogs for us. Talk to you tomorrow after we ride to Mesa Verde.
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