Today was a LONG day, started about 6 a.m. in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and ended about 6:30 p.m. in Grande Prairie, Alberta.
We didn't get too far and Bill's bike started to sputter ... yep, out of gas. BUT, we were prepared. Got out the little 1 liter jug, filled it up and on our way again.
The landscape started out flat and
then we started to climb so we saw a lot of trees. Could have been in PA!! We were on a four-lane, can you believe it? When Harry did this trip about 10 years ago, it was a 2-lane. Things have changed. We were able to travel about 70 miles an hour. We're still east of the Canadian Rockies though.
The day was cloudy. Ran into a little rain but not as much as we could have (we skirted most of it). Sounds like Saskatchewan got quite a lot of rain after we left. The news talked about tornadoes.
Went through Edmonton and then Valleyview and ended up at the Super8 in Grande Prairie.
The hotel took care of us. When we got there, it was hotel appreciation day so we had free wine and beer
and food. We met two guys who were working on the pipeline. It wa interesting hearing about their jobs. They have some kind of tool that checks the interior corrosion. They use 4-wheelers and even helicopters to get to their work sites. I friended the one on FaceBook -- my first Canadian!!
We're only about 45 minutes away from Dawson Creek -- Mile Marker Zero of the Alcan Highway. Let's hope the rain holds out.
That's it for tonight. Talk to you tomorrow.
Hey - hope all is going well. It looks beautiful. Love the updates... I feel like I'm listening to the history channel. :) I leave DC today... much has changed actually since my last time here. Went to an Orioles game last night... I've never been to Camden Yards so that was cool. I swear I saw Shannon and Jeff yesterday at the metro...but I could have been wrong. Be careful. Hope the rain holds out and that you are warm and dry. Looking forward to the next historical documentary.
Well, hope that we were able to provide the next in the series of the History Channel. We are having a blast.
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