Got on the road early. Spent a lot of time getting around Chicago. Doesn't seem to matter which route we take, it just takes a long time. Had to detour because of flooding. It was hard to believe they were routng cars through the water.
Finally made it around and through and made it to Monticello, MN. We had quite a lot of excitement (not the good kind). The ball broke off the trailer and the safety chains let loose. We actually watched the trailer (with our bikes) go across the median strip and over into the other lane and down in the ditch (east bound) and we were going west bound. So we drove across one of the access roads that you're not supposed to do and pulled up along side the road close to the trailer. Bill checked on the bikes and they were OK. The trailer has a few bumps and bruises but for the most part it was ok, too. Went up the road about 2 miles to an ACE Hardware store and picked up a new ball and some new safety chain links. Had to go down the road another 5 miles to get the piece to fix the wiring. Back up the Interstate to the trailer and fought the misquitos that were worse than in Geneva swamp!!! Bill worked on the wiring while Peg swatted misquitos for him. Once that was fixed to Bill's satisfaction, he had to maneuver the pickup and trailer around (the trailer was turned the wrong way) and up an enbankment to the Interstate. Made it without the trailer dragging (God was definitely with us!!). Found a room but still had to go to Walmart to get a light tester to test the wiring in the morning.
Glad everything turned out OK with no injuries and not much damage. That would be scary. Have a safe trip the rest of the way.
Man, I can't believe you got out of that one with out substantial damage! I would say it must be the result of good, clean living, but with Shuffy........
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