Put on lots of clothes and took off for the Northeast Corner of Yellowstone. Absolutely beautiful morning … clear, crisp and deep blue skies.
Had to get through the buffalo alley where they all lie in wait for people to ogle over them.
First stop was to see the upper falls in Yellowstone River. BIll has a great shot of that and will put in later.
Took the northeast corner road. This road was closed on our last trip to Yellowstone so we wanted to make sure we got there this time. Here’s a pic of Barronette Peak that Bill took (again, have to wait for Bill to upload this one)
Next, decided to go over to the northewest corner to see Mammoth Springs. Mammoth is a large hill of travertine that has been created over thousands of years as hot water from the spring cooled and deposited calcium carbonate (over two tons flows into Mammoth each day in a solution).
On the way back from Mammoth, we saw a moose cow in a meadow. She was full grown but now nearly as large a that bull moose we saw in Glacier. Also saw a bull elk taking it easy. He was a 6x7
Rode down to the north rim of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. The colors on the stone were beautiful shades of white to orange-red. Saw the lower falls and looked down into the canyon from a couple other overlooks.
It was time to head back to Pahaska. It takes about 45 minutes (depending on the buffalo) to get back down off the mountain. On the way down, we saw the next RV we’re going to buy. It was pulled by a Trike. What do you think?
Back home to Pahaska for a meal of baby-back ribs. On to Old Faithful tomorrow.
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