Monday, January 30, 2012

Back Again to Animal Kingdom - 5th day

It was a unanimous decision that we would go back to Animal Kingdom because we got an extra hour before the "regulars" would arrive. We used that time to go on Expedition Everest twice without having to wait in line. You've got to love the inventor of the FASTPASS!

This is a footprint of the Yeti or Abominable Snowman that lives on Mt. Everest. We haven't found the real thing yet.

Cali River Rapids wasn't running today. Too bad because it was really warm - in the 80's

Since we enjoyed "It's Tough To Be A Bug" and " Birds in Flight," we went again. The Birds show was a great educational show on saving our environment so that those birds don't become extinct but it was so fun, we didn't even know we were learning!

Next we went to Dinoland for a back in time dinosaur ride and then to the playground called the "The Bone Yard." The kids had us crawling over rocks and sliding down tubes. We thought we could get Bill stuck. Not stuck, but he did get wet.

Even though this was our second time at the safari, we still enjoyed seeing the animals again. Here is a baby giraffe that we didn't see the last time.

The Tree of Life has carvings of different birds, animals and reptiles. Can you see any?

Yes, it was another full day but Jillian and Nathan still wanted to swim in our pool.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Orlando, Florida

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