Jumped on the bikes and rode to Whittier to cat

Before we boarded the ferry, we had a about an hour so Bill and I took at
walk to a glacial waterfall. Lots of water coming down the mountain. Harry and Anna decided to go see if they could find where the salmon are running. They found the spot but unfortunately, the salmon aren't running yet.

Here we are getting the bikes ready for the ride.
The ferry ride took about 5 hours. Can you believe that we were sitting in lounge chairs sunning ourselves. It was 80 degrees. Couldn't believe how hot it was. However, it did get colder as we headed farther out. We saw lots of whales, a walrus, and another bald eagle. Docked at Valdez. Took a nice hike around a salt marsh.
Tomorrow we’ll walk around town some and then catch a glacier tour on the LuLu Belle.
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