Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July 27 - Hungry Horse and Glacier National Park

Had a full day of riding. Decided that our first ride would be the “Road to the Sun.” Started out about 7:30. Road to the Logan Pass Visitor Center. Decided we needed to take a hike to Hidden Lake. Walked about 2 miles and saw mountain goats and Big Horn sheep very close to us.

We trekked through snow and water but the end result was absolutely gorgeous … Hidden Lake.

After getting back to the bikes at the Visitor Center, we took off again on the Road to the Sun.

They were working on the road so had to go through some road construction but finally made it to the end of the Road to the Sun. Peg doesn't like riding in gravel, so when we came upon a roadgrader spreading new gravel, Bill was looking for a place to pull his bike off the road so he could help Peg out. But she rode through the hazzard with out a glitch.

Rather than turn around and come back the way we had come, we decided to take the long way home but another beautiful ride through Glacier. Maybe the gravel on the "Riding to the Sun Road" had something to do wiith the decision to take a different route home!

1 comment:

Bren said...

Gotta love that gravel, it does get eaiser to ride through the more ya do it. Thanks for the pics, looks gorgeous!!!