Monday, March 4, 2013

Around Armidale

Decided to go for a walk before we had meetings with some of the faculty at the Uni (that's short for University of New South Wales). Miriam wanted to take us to Blue Hole, a National Park, for a long walk. As we drove there, it was evident that the past week of rains had a impact. The dirt roads were slippery and muddy. They were out with graders to make the road more passable.

Unfortunately, once we got there, we found that the bridge we needed to use was about 2 meters (24-30 inches) under water. Miriam took off her sneakers and walked through water to check out the bridge and decided that we couldn't risk it.

So we left there and went to Danger Falls again to get a little walk and to check out the water.

Water was rushing over the falls. AND, we got to see some Rock Wallabys who make their home in Dangars Falls National Park.

Here's another thing we saw in the park

A dragonfly

On the way back, we saw some merino sheep and a cute mailbox

That's it for now.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Armidale, New South Wales

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