Again, we were up early and had a walkabout on a trail along the Balonne River

Look for the writing on the tree. That's how high the river flooded in 2011.
Then on to breakfast that definitely made up for any issues. eggs, bacon and ham and toast and coffee.
This pub was a location that the Rotary met every Tuesday. They had at least 100 flags from different Rotary Clubs all over the world. Saw some from USA BUT not one from ETown, where our favorite District Governor, Denny Zubler hails. So, our recommendation is that you need to bring Linda and us over and hang the Etown flag in St. George!!

Back on the road, headed to Toowoomba, using a map that a local drew for us so we could "save" time.
We stopped at a crossroads to have tea and a biki (we would call it cookies) in Moonie. The gas station was the hub for that area, having an eatery and a bar. Across the street was the information center where they had some local crafts. Found a few cute things to pack in my suitcase!!
This sign tells a bit about the town and the history

The Crossroad store was also a place that had the most feral pig display. Here's one of them.

Both Paul and I tried to get Bill to buy this Akura hat but couldn't quite talk him into it.

As we were driving, we stopped along the road to take a picture of a prickly pear. Never saw them get this big!!

Now we're hoping that we make it to a gas station. Just like when we were in Alaska, you need to remember to gas up whenever you see a gas station because it's MANY kms between gas stations.
Made it to a little general store and gas station in Cecil Station, very much like the store that my dad and mom owned and operated. The gas pump was right along the road and the store had something for everyone.

It's very hot here, about 33 degrees c. One of the phrases we hear a lot is "how ya going?" as a greeting.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:St George to Toowoomba and Brisbane