Armidale was first settled in the early 1830s, following the earlier exploration of the area by John Oxley. It was named after Armadale on the Isle of Skye in Scotland, but seemingly the city fathers were not good spellers. Thought Linda and Denny Z would like that little fact since they just got back from Scotland.
Here's their courthouse.
Armidale has a population of about 25,000. Their main industry is education. I was excited to learn that they use video conference to teach music. I thought that maybe that could be a new business for our choir director, Judy Densevich and Jean Stauffer!!
Here's an aerial view of the University of New England (they refer to it as The Uni).
Miriam asked me to pick up Ashley, another interviewer, from the airport. Can you believe she actually trusted me to drive her car AND find the airport!! Well, I did find the airport and found my way back to Paul and Miriam's house. We had a nice dinner with Ashley, and David, another interviewer with technical knowledge about the projects.
Thursday, we spent in a computer lab learning about the projects we'll be working on so there's not much to tell.
We also got to meet Miriam's sister Bridgett because she'll also be interviewing.
Friday, it turned much colder and actually snowed (with a little sleet) --ugh! But we've been inside reviewing information about the projects so that we're ready to go when we hit the road. We also decided to purchase an Australian phone because the rates are much cheaper for calling in Australia. To call to the USA, it's still quite expensive so we'll still be using Skype for most of our communication there.
If you're not sure what the country of Australia looks like, here's a small map I found. Armidale is a state in the New South Wales Region. We'll be in New South Wales for several projects, southern Queensland, and Victoria. So we should be able to share a lot of photos as we're out and about.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Armidale, Australia
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